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Besides the complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, climate change is also a big problem that we are facing!
Nowadays, everyone seems to be talking about climate change or global warming, but it’s not common for everyone to understand. Therefore, some people believe, some people are sceptical, some are neutral, so the actions to change really do not consistent.

We are farmers, not climate experts but we can see that the weather pattern is changing. Such as:

⛈In the rainy season, the amount of rainfall changes so the flowering happens earlier or later.

☀️In the dry season, the plant is wither because of the hot sun in many places, there is not enough water to irrigate the crops because the normal rainfall has been reversed.

In addition, unusual events in all continents around the world are facing and fighting with unpredictable weather such as floods, droughts, hot weather, snowstorm. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) forecast indicates that the world will still have to receive more intense rainy seasons in the summer, more severe blizzards in the winter, and more severe droughts. Moreover, the heat is also more intense. (1)

Climate change is still changing and it affects everyone. Especially farmers who are acting as food suppliers for humanity. Because they never anticipate the unusual changes of nature.

But we’re not the type to just fold our arms and wait for the experts to find out the solution for us, or think that we can’t change it.
We act every day to contribute to carbon storage through organic farming such as:

👉Biodiversity farming, intercropping of perennial and annual to
provide a fertile soil environment for growing crops, fresh air, water and make the Earth’s climate equable by absorbing CO2 and rainfall, soften the impact caused by natural disasters such as landslides, storms and floods.

👉Protect the soil by taking advantage of weeds to limit the topsoil wear away. It brings water and nutrients deeper to keeps the soil moist better and limit water evaporation in hot weather. Grassroots help the soil be loose and aerated, bringing a lot of O2 and CO2 into the deep soil layer, helping plant roots to breathe and absorb nutrients more easily.

👉Smart water using (Drip Irrigation): reduces water waste and makes irrigation more efficient.

👉Enhancing the role of smart organic farmers: people who always act to protect the soil and protect the environment.

And you can also contribute to changing the environment by planting trees in your garden. It helps you reduce stress and fatigue and contributes to increasing oxygen and creating positive energy for yourself.

You don’t need to think about big things, do what you can, even if it’s small but it has helped a lot to the environment and Mother Earth.


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